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Significant acquisitions in 2013 set the stage for an interesting 2014. 主要公司宣布购买主要的流媒体服务, 面向媒体消费供应链的各个环节, while smaller companies subsumed potential media tools to drive their place in the market.

其中一些收购的重点是外卖平台, 包括网页加速和聚集观众的眼球, while other acquisitions sought to fill gaps in the growing universe of devices on which consumers choose to view premium media content.

Three companies stand out for making multiple acquisitions this year: Verizon; Vitec Group, PLC; and Yahoo. In addition, Samsung made a set-top box (STB) buy that’s worth mentioning. Finally, KIT Digital died, only to be reborn with the oddly spelled name Piksel. 如果有任何趋势表明另一个互联网泡沫, 这是《欧洲杯在哪投注app最新版下载》的回归, 上一次出现是在2007年, 1999年“滑稽名字年”的返场演出.

再一次, 我们还有雅虎, and it seems to have stabilized in 2013 under the leadership of former Googler Marissa Mayer.


让我们从三星(Samsung)和它的开箱说起 收购机顶盒兼软件流媒体公司Boxee.

我们报道了Boxee的一种排列, to that of a seemingly clever but ill-implemented online digital video recorder (DVR) during the Christmas 2012 season, in an article titled “Boxee and Walmart Put Disappointment Under the Tree.“6个月的变化太大了, as Boxee found itself the target of Samsung’s desire to find relevance in the STB and smart TV space. 据传售价约为3000万美元.

作为流媒体.网站的特洛伊·德雷尔指出, Boxee couldn’t find traction between its original software play and its later hardware play.

“Long before Boxee hardware, when most users ran Boxee on Apple TVs or Mac minis ... Boxee在嬉皮士和业余爱好者(“阿尔法极客”)中找到了热切的采用者,联合创始人兼首席执行官阿夫纳•罗内恩这样称呼他们。),德雷尔在信中写道 《Boxee漫长而悲伤的故事:回顾.”

Yet Boxee found that even alpha geeks didn’t want to go through the hassle of setting up software that couldn’t stream basic services such as Hulu. And by the time Boxee turned to the Boxee TV it marketed through Walmart, rival Roku had established the only seemingly viable alternative to Apple TV. With the Google TV stumbling, it made sense for Boxee to start looking for a suitor.

“Samsung has acquired key talent and assets from Boxee,” a Samsung spokesperson told 《纽约时报》. “This will help us continue to improve the overall user experience across our connected devices.”

我们发现最奇怪的是云DVR, a primary selling point for all Boxee TV units sold during the 2012 holiday shopping season, 正在停产. 三星于7月3日宣布了收购意向, 2013, Boxee wasted no time shuttering its cloud-based Boxee TV DVR service less than a week later.

“[T]he beta Cloud DVR functionality we provided to certain Boxee TV users will be discontinued on July 10th,Boxee在其网站上指出. 在此日期之后,您将无法访问您现有的录音. We realize many of you loved the service, and we’re sorry it won’t be available moving forward.”

No word yet as to whether Boxee or Samsung will issue refunds for the Boxee TV product.


NAB成立后不久, Vitec集团收购了Teradek, placing the wireless HD and streaming device manufacturer into the Vitec Videocom division alongside more traditional broadcast solutions.

The move to acquire Teradek not only solidifies Vitec Group’s bona fides in the ever-merging broadcast and streaming integration worlds, 但这也给了该公司两年来的第二次收购, 在收购Camera Corps Ltd .之后. in 2012. 后者, 服务部门, 专注于远程摄像头和跟踪系统, 摄像支持系统, and full-service facilities to broadcasters for regional and international events.

Vitec Group不应与Vitec混淆, the Paris-based company we’ve covered in earlier versions of Streamticker when Vitec acquired Optibase’s and Focus Enhancements’ video technology assets in 2010.


Verizon made its first digital media acquisition of 2014 in mid-November 2013, 正如Verizon数字媒体服务公司宣布的那样 收购了UpLynk的资产和业务. 不到两岁, UpLynk was hailed by Verizon as “a leading technology and television cloud company.”

“简单地说, 这次收购提供了智能, 为我们的客户提供可扩展和更灵活的流媒体视频方式,鲍勃·图希说, 威瑞森数字媒体服务公司总裁.

The secret sauce of UpLynk was its workflow integration for television broadcasting on the web. It tied its services into national broadcast infrastructures to deliver over-the-top (OTT) broadcast to multiple device types and operating systems.

“通过这次收购, Digital Media Services customers can take advantage of increased speed to market, simplified workflows and access to a highly efficient and data-rich broadcast cloud technology,图希说. Verizon’s reach across The Pond should also provide an additional playing field if domestic U.S. broadcasters want to “broadcast” their stations to European OTT markets.

Shortly after Thanksgiving, Verizon pulled out the purse again, this time for a 内容分发网络(CDN)以EdgeCast的形式购买.

“EdgeCast was on track to end this year with $100M in revenue and was projected to do $140M in revenue next year,丹·雷伯恩在2013年12月的一篇博客文章中说. Rayburn noted the company had about 300 employees at the time of acquisition and had previously raised $74 million in capital, the bulk of which derived from a $54 million funding round in mid-2013. 据估计,EdgeCast的估值为4亿美元, 这意味着它的售价约为当年收入的四倍.


雅虎今年还进行了多次收购, 在不到一周的时间里收购了两家流媒体公司.

第一笔收购于去年12月完成. 为一家名为Ptch的公司工作了3年. Yes, you read right: there is no I in Ptch, just like there’s supposedly no I in team. 而后者可能会引起争论, what isn’t debatable is just how fast Yahoo chose to bring Ptch into its stable of apps, 由于该公司成立于2012年底.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

20 for 20:过去20年的顶级并购

流媒体已经存在了20年, 看到了很多有趣的技术, 机会, 还有商业头脑.


尼亚加拉, IBM, ComScore, 2016年创新下降, 更大的整合, 还有一大堆高价的M&一个活动.


From A(OL) to V(erizon) we look at the mergers and acquisitions that mattered in the last year. Here's a look back, 着眼于它们对未来的预示.


回顾过去一年的并购, 着眼于它们对未来的预示.

迪士尼将以5亿美元收购Maker Studios

希望扩大在线业务, 迪士尼正在收购YouTube上的一个顶级多频道网络, 获得Maker的3.8亿用户.


The cable giant will grow its online efforts with ad-streaming technology from 免费的Wheel, 业内人士预测.


创造了大量的年轻观众来吸引广告商, 这两家在线视频巨头平起平坐.
